Private Equity Fund 1
Our investment approach encompasses promoting financial inclusion, facilitating access to affordable healthcare, and ensuring access to affordable education.
Impact Thesis
We aligned the fund's measurable impact outcomes with the South African National Development Plan 2030 and the IRIS+ strategic goals. The fund has clearly defined objectives related to job creation, transformation, and diversity and inclusion. The action plans of portfolio companies are designed to contribute to these objectives.
The sector targets of Summit PE Fund I are aligned with the following impact targets. The fund's strategies identify opportunities that satisfy the criteria of growing value and creating a measurable social impact. The selected sectors for investment are backed by an expanding middle class, strong demand that outstrips supply, and growth which is not tied to market cycles. Extensive research has demonstrated that businesses operating within these sectors have consistently delivered above-average returns over the past decade and benefit from non-discretionary spending. Furthermore, private equity investors have multiple exit and liquidity strategies available within these sectors.
Healthcare Investment Strategy
Invest in, expand and build new acute/day healthcare facilities that can meet the undersupply of affordable, quality healthcare services in the fund target areas.
Impact Targets & IRIS Strategic Goals
Access to affordable quality healthcare:
Increasing consistent supply of essential services and products
Increasing access to medical diagnostics
Reducing financial barriers to health services
Fund Exposure
30% - 35%
SDG Alignment