Kundayi Munzara
Independent IC member - Social Infrastructure
BSc Hons, CFA
With a career spanning over 18 years in the intricate terrains of property investment, valuation, and capital markets, Kundayi Munzara stands as a notable figure in the sector. He is the Co-Founder, Director, and Portfolio Manager at Sesfikile Capital, an investment management firm that hones a singular focus on listed property. His commitment to delivering exceptional value to both Institutional and Retail investors is a testament to his expertise and dedication.
Before embarking on his entrepreneurial journey with Sesfikile Capital, Kundayi held the prestigious position of Head of Property Research at Investec. This role further solidified his reputation as an authority in property research and analysis.
Kundayi Munzara's profound experience and contributions to the property investment landscape position him as an industry beacon, continually pushing the boundaries of innovation and excellence.